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Our process is quick, easy, and secure.
Visit any Store.
If amount is greater than $1000:
You can pay with cash, debit, EBT, or proceeds from another transaction (Check Cashing, Western Union® Receive, etc)
Money orders are printed and handed to you
We charge a $3.49 fee per money order. (max amount of single money order is $1000). If you have any questions, simply visit any store and we will gladly assist you.
Print and complete the money order customer request form and return the receipt and the $15 non-refundable processing fee to the listed address.
Print and complete the money order research request form, and mail it with the $30 non-refundable processing fee to the listed address. If the money order has not been cashed, you’ll get a refund. If it has been cashed, you’ll get a copy of it. You may also submit the forms and the receipt by fax 1-720-864-0477 or by email